994 research outputs found

    A model for hypermedia learning environments based on electronic books

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    Designers of hypermedia learning environments could take advantage of a theoretical scheme which takes into account various kinds of learning activities and solves some of the problems associated with them. In this paper, we present a model which inherits a number of characteristics from hypermedia and electronic books. It can provide designers with the tools for creating hypermedia learning systems, by allowing the elements and functions involved in the definition of a specific application to be formally represented A practical example, CESAR, a hypermedia learning environment for hearing‐impaired children, is presented, and some conclusions derived from the use of the model are also shown

    Editoriales Etno-iconográficos en Vogue (1948-2016): un enfoque a las diplomacias culturales

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    Este artículo ofrece la visión general de una investigación que ha sentado sus bases en una sistematización de los mensajes que surgen de la interfaz entre diferentes culturas a través de la comunicación visual de la moda. Profundiza en un estudio semántico de las composiciones relacionadas con la "etno-iconografía" desarrolladas por tres ediciones occidentales de Vogue desde 1948 a 2016. Para esta investigación, hemos examinado 100 editoriales fotográficos. El artículo propone un marco teórico que sirva para evaluar la forma en que la moda ha reflejado y construido las nociones coloniales del Otro, impulsadas por políticas visuales de género y raza, y moldeadas por ideologías imperialistas de la industria. El artículo también introduce una exploración del legado de los regímenes visuales eurocéntricos y la negociación con las subjetividades postcoloniales por parte de las últimas ediciones no occidentales. Finalmente resalta que este tipo de imagen puede proporcionar visibilidad a realidades sociales de dichos territorios, permitiendo a las revistas de moda actuar como detonadores de la reflexión crítica y agentes capaces de establecer interrelaciones culturales.This article offers an overview of a seminal research that laid its foundations in a systematization of the messages emerging from the interface between cultures through fashion image making. It delves into a semantic study of the compositions related to “ethno-iconography” that have been developed by three Western editions of Vogue since 1948 to 2016. We had examined 100 photographic editorials. The paper proposes a theoretical framework that serves to evaluate the way that fashion has reflected and built colonial notions of the Other, driven by race and gender visual politics, and shaped by the industry’s imperialist ideologies. The article also introduces a prospective exploration of the legacy of the Eurocentric visual regimes and the negotiation with post-colonial subjectivities by non-Western editions. It ultimately highlights that photo shoots also provide visibility to social realities that permit magazines to act as triggers of critical reflection and agents capable of establishing inter-cultural relations

    El romancero, entre la tradición oral y la imprenta popular

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    Se ofrece una panorámica sobre la historia y difusión del romancero como género de poesía narrativa, con especial atención a su éxito editorial en el siglo XVIPeer reviewe

    Revisión crítica de la política ontológica latouriana

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    En este artículo investigo cómo interpretar y caracterizar lo que denomino "política ontológica" en el trabajo del filósofo Bruno Latour. Así, presento una revisión de la obra de Latour desde un análisis crítico de sus propuestas ontológicas, con el objetivo de clarificar cuestiones relativas al alcance de su proyecto político. La pareja "política ontológica" y "ontología política" remiten respectivamente a la prescripción de cómo debe comprenderse todo elemento de la realidad, desde una perspectiva a-moderna, y a la propuesta de un genuino proyecto político desde los poderes y cámaras bicamerales del Parlamento de las cosas de Latour. El hilo conductor que utilizo para desarrollar este análisis es una pregunta de cariz político que acentúa dos elementos: la exclusión de colectivos y la incertidumbre a la que hacer frente para construir un mundo común. Finalmente, frente a la propuesta latouriana, destaco cómo las "tecnologías de la humildad" sí ponen de relieve estos dos elementosIn this article I study how to interpret and to feature what I call "ontological politics" within the works of philosopher Bruno Latour. In this sense, I make a reading of Latour's production which stems from his own ontological proposals in order to clarify some questions concerning the extent of his political project. The couple of expressions "ontological politics" and "political ontology" are used to achieve this task. The former implies how to understand reality from an amodern point of view. The latter refers to latourian genuine political project which is described by different Powers and Houses within the House of Things. I use a political question as a device to analyze Latour's work who allows us to focus on exclusion of collectives and uncertainty that we have to face to construct our common world. Finally, against latourian proposal, I stress how technologies of humility are successful in addressing the previous feature

    Object-oriented philosophy and the comprehension of scientific realities

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    En este ensayo reflexiono sobre el primer tratado consagrado a la metafísica de Bruno Latour, la obra de Graham Harman Prince of Networks. Explico cómo Harman pone de relieve las raíces y principios de la filosofía orientada a los objetos latouriana. Asimismo, analizo cómo Harman habla de la concepción ontológica de Latour desde un nuevo modelo de ocasionalismo secular y desde una nueva forma de realismo, el relacionismo. Sin embargo, Harman no sólo defiende con entusiasmo la metafísica de Latour. Este filósofo compara su posición metafísica, comprometida con una teoría cuádruple, con la teoría simple de la realidad latouriana. Asimismo, evalúo la revisión que Harman realiza de la obra de Latour y defiendo que algunos problemas del filósofo francés se comprenden mejor si son explicados desde la filosofía de la ciencia. Abordo brevemente esta tarea en lo que atañe a la concepción del ocasionalismo de LatourIn this essay I focus on Graham Harman's Prince of Networks, the first treatise entirely devoted to address the metaphysics of Bruno Latour. I explain how Harman highlights the philosophical roots and principles of latourian object-oriented philosophy. Furthermore, I analyze how Harman emphasizes both a new secular occasionalism as well Latour's conception of reality featured as relationism. Besides, I also stress that Harman does not only defend the philosophy of Latour enthusiastically. This philosopher compares his own metaphysical commitments and his fourfold theory of reality to the one-fold theory found at Latour's philosophy. Finally, I assess Harman's review of Bruno Latour's work and I argue that some problems within Latour's conception of reality are better understood when they happen to be explained in terms of the philosophy of science. I tackle briefly this task in what concerns the very comprehension of Latour's occasionalis

    ‘Pastis Power Europe’: An Assessment of the EU’s Actorness in International Investment Politics. EU Diplomacy Paper 06/2016

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    This paper assesses the extent to which the transfer of exclusive competence over foreign direct investment to the European Union (EU) in the Treaty of Lisbon allows it to become a strong actor in the international investment arena. Drawing on legal and international political economy concepts, it challenges a widespread assumption according to which an exclusive EU competence would benefit not only its economic competitiveness but also increase the attractiveness of its regulatory system. Legal and political problems, arising from the limits to the EU’s competence in Union law and from its awkward interaction with international investment law, limit its ability to negotiate favourable international investment agreements and imply that the EU’s role in this field is unlikely to come to parallel its salient position in trade. Indeed, the transfer of competence might give rise to a paradoxical situation in which the EU’s international bargaining position is weakened not only in investment but also in international economic policy-making more broadly regarded

    Valores y estereotipos femeninos creados en la publicidad gráfica de las marcas de moda de lujo en España

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    El presente artículo ofrece las primeras conclusiones de la investigación realizada en el marco del Observatorio Publicidad y Sociedad del Centro Universitario Villanueva, sobre los estereotipos creados o consolidados por la publicidad gráfica de marcas de moda de lujo en España. La presencia de estudios de este tipo es escasa en nuestro país y en el extranjero, quizá por la consideración de la moda como «fenómeno menor» en el conjunto de las manifestaciones culturales que se dan cita en los medios de comunicación de masas. Las cifras de circulación y tirada de las revistas femeninas y suplementos semanales se mantienen a pesar de las dificultades del sector editorial, y las marcas de lujo no dejan de invertir en prensa financiando este medio de gran eficacia para sus objetivos comerciales. Sin embargo, más allá de su función de mercado la publicidad realiza una labor social y educativa al igual que el resto de los contenidos mediáticos. Se realizó un análisis de contenido de 290 anuncios gráficos pertenecientes a 97 marcas de lujo. El estudio refleja cinco distintos estereotipos de mujer presentes en las imágenes publicitarias.The present article offer first research conclusions supported by Observatorio Publicidad y Sociedad del Centro Universitario Villanueva (Universidad Complutense de Madrid). The main topic of the survey was the Stereotype and values created by graphic luxury brands in Spain. There are few academicals studies about this subject because for the lower state that fashion advertising takes for academicals as a cultural manifestation founded on mass media. The women magazines net circulation and printed average are maintaining their position in spite of the difficult situation of printed media, and luxury bands continue supporting it for its real efficacy in their commercial objectives. However, more than only a market function, advertising has a social and educative labor as other media content do. A content analysis of 290 graphic ads which belong by 97 luxury brands was made. The survey shows five different women stereotypes founded in advertising images

    Presencia de puntos gatillo miofasciales en el trapecio inferior en las cervicalgías mecánicas crónicas inespecíficas: estudio de prevalencia.

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    El objetivo principal de este estudio era establecer la relación entre los puntos gatillo miofasciales (PGM) del trapecio inferior y las cervicalgias mecánicas crónicas inespecíficas, además de establecer si existía relación con las cefaleas cervicogénicas. Para ello se realizó un estudio transversal con una muestra inicial de 25 pacientes con cervicalgia mecánica. A todos ellos se les evaluó con un cuestionario que sirvió para excluir a 6 pacientes. Los 19 restantes fueron valorados para identificar la presencia de puntos gatillo miofasciales. Se recogieron datos con un algómetro de Fischer. Los resultados de este estudio indican una posible relación directa entre el trapecio inferior, a través de la existencia de puntos gatillo miofasciales, y las cervicalgias mecánicas crónicas inespecíficas y a su vez con las cefaleas cervicogénicas.The aim of this study was to establish the relation between the lower trapezius\ud trigger points and chronic mechanical unspecific neck pain. Also it looked for \ud established if there was relation with cervicogenic headache. For it, it was carried out \ud this prevalence study with 25 patients with mechanical neck pain. All of them \ud answered a questionnaire which was useful to exclude 6 patients. The rest 19 patient \ud were assessed to identify the presence of trigger points. Dates were taken with an \ud Fischer algometer. The results of this study indicate a possible direct relation \ud between lower trapezius, by means of the presence of trigger points, and chronic \ud mechanical unspecific neck pain and also cervicogenic headache.Grado en Fisioterapi

    Giving meaning to tweets in emergency situations: a semantic approach for filtering and visualizing social data

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    In this paper, we propose a semantic approach for monitoring information publishedon social networks about a specific event. In the era of Big Data, when an emergencyoccurs information posted on social networks becomes more and more helpful foremergency operators. As direct witnesses of the situation, people share photos, videosor text messages about events that call their attention. In the emergency operationcenter, these data can be collected and integrated within the management processto improve the overall understanding of the situation and in particular of the citizenreactions. To support the tracking and analyzing of social network activities, there arealready monitoring tools that combine visualization techniques with geographicalmaps. However, tweets are written from the perspective of citizens and the informationthey provide might be inaccurate, irrelevant or false. Our approach tries to dealwith data relevance proposing an innovative ontology-based method for filteringtweets and extracting meaningful topics depending on their semantic content. In thisway data become relevant for the operators to make decisions. Two real cases used totest its applicability showed that different visualization techniques might be neededto support situation awareness. This ontology-based approach can be generalizedfor analyzing the information flow about other domains of application changing theunderlying knowledge base.This work is supported by the project emerCien grant funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity (TIN2012-09687)